Enjoying My New Normal

It feels like I am on vacation, but cannot go anywhere because a lot of stuff is still closed.  

How am I handling everything? Actually, I am really calm.  I really thought I would be in such panic for not having a job, but I think knowing I am moving soon, has made this transition easier.  I just left a few days earlier than I planned. 

Since I no longer have to worry about awful things that are going to be said to me, I have removed that stress from my life.

I am trying to keep a normal routine for going to bed and getting up in the morning. This is pretty easy to do because Millie doesn't let me sleep in. :)

I have been getting more exercise, now that I am no longer chained to my desk and it feels amazing.  I didn't realize how much I hated not being able to move around during the day.  This was the first job where I couldn't get up and walk to the breakroom to get some water or go to the bathroom.  Having a little freedom back is wonderful. Mille and I have been exploring parks in the area because Wile E. Coyote is still hanging around our home.  Why is he hanging around our homes? Honestly, I think it's because my neighbor likes to put our food for the squirrels and Wile comes to eat it. Why don't I tell him to stop? The man has a PhD he should know better and I am not telling him. 

I am eating better than I am home all day because I don't feel rushed when I eat and I am not attempting to eat junk food.

I am also finding time for my writing and art projects.

Will all of these great changes last?  I don't know. Remember I am in the honeymoon phase and things could change over time. I hope that I am able to remain positive as the changes occur.


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