Update on this blog

This blog has become a hodgepodge of thoughts. I want to get my blog back to be more focused and going in the right direction, so i will be making a few changes. 

1) I am done posting about the crazy HOA and Juvi. I know that for some of you that is the only reason you have turned in for the past five years.  ( Can't find five years worth of stuff that is because it was in another format.)  Why stop?  I no longer have first hand knowledge and I don't want to be spreading gossip.

2)  I am going back to doing a weekly review. I used to do this once a week. It was easier for me to just do one update for the week. Usually, it would be posed on Saturday and Sunday.  I am returning to this because I need to get myself on a schedule. I have to be more organized!

               This weekly review will be about adventures, thoughts anything not included in money saving tips about Convid-19.

3)  I will post a separate post about money saving tips, I have found for the week.  

4) I will post a sperate post about convid-19 for the week. 

I hope this will help me clean up my blog and you will enjoy it.

If you are looking for a particular topic, please do the following:

Follow the directions below to find the topic of choice:

 Click on the three lines on the top left of the screen.

Next click on Labels.

Finally, click on the topic of your choice.

Things to always remember:

"Standing up for others, doesn't mean you are a rebel rouser, it means you are a leader."- KRH 6.13.2020

“Someone’s else’s opinion of me is none of my business “ - Rachel Hollis

25 Inspirational Quotes To Live By That Remind You To Always Stand Up For  The Truth | YourTango

Have a great night!


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