
Showing posts from September, 2020

I don't give a damn

 Why does everyone feel the need to tell me if they are a homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, pansexual, or transgender?  I really don't care. I care if you are a good person, so please stop sharing with me your sexual preferences because I don't give a damn. 

Monday adventure

 The first week I was super proud of myself because I didn't get lost and wasn't late to class.  That all changed yesterday. I left the library and turned right instead of left.  I found myself down by the Rec Center, which was a 15 minutes away from my class.  The man in the Rec Center who gave me directions to get to my class, let out a laugh when I asked if I would make it to class on time.  I was three minutes late to class. I texted a classmate, so the professor knew where I was. I didn't miss much. I walked in and she was scolding my classmates for not doing their assignment correctly. I was the only one who did it correctly.  She didn't go through each detail in class, but it was in the syllabus. 
  Hi All, Hope everyone is having a terrific week.  A few of you have sent messages asking about the air quality here. Well, it is not the best. For example, I can barely see the mountains outside of my bedroom because of all of the smoke. I haven't had any respiratory issues, but I have a classmate who has.  I think she is doing okay right now.   I haven't been outside a lot this week because I have been busy with school work. This week has been the busiest so far. The other day, I worked from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Last night, I turned in my last assignment for the week.  Today, I had my last class of the week, so after class I took a well deserved two hour nap.   I am enjoying the program here.  Everyone has been so kind and welcoming.  I haven't been criticized in any way.  Another student shared with me that they had a poor experience, such as being asked if they are a parent of a student.  I h...

stupid criminal

Why is he a stupid criminal? Well, he let the clerk scan his ID, so she knew he was, and then stole cash from the drawer. He ran from the store.  After the police were notified, he called the police to tell them where he was, so they could arrest him.

thoughts on drama

  Am I the only one who reads some posts and wants to scream at the screen? One person posts life is so bad because of this, that, and other. It is always someone else's fault. People need to learn to accept their actions lead to their own drama. If you don't want drama then make better choices.

Update on being scammed by the movers

 As you all know, I was scammed by some movers. They didn't get any of my furniture... thank goodness. They had some deposits.  The bank refunded the deposits, but now the movers are fighting it, so I had to send some more documents to the bank.  I am hoping that the movers don't win. There is a police report and the police told me it was a scam, so hopefully it will all go well. 

Strange turn of events

 Monday, was a little rough. A professor implied those who go to private schools are well off and don't have to work to provide for their families. She used to teach a private school and has spoke about a negative experience she had there. Okay, not everyone who goes to a private school is a wealthy or a snob.  I come from a poor background where people didn't go to college. People earned a high school diploma and went straight to working a 40 hour week.  I wanted to know if anyone else has experience the same thing I had.... we were you considered to be wealthy because you went to a private school, so I proposed it to a group that I belong to.  Many of the responses I received were helpful, but then the conversation took a strange turn.  It turned in a debate about BLM. Okay I could kind of see that part because lot of private schools are white students. There are some black private college too. I read the debate, but didn't comment because I had nothing helpfu...

How am I dealing with Covid this week ?

 This has been another week of social distancing and mask wearing. Have I been exposed to Covid?  Not that I know of, but there have been at least five cases in two day on my campus. Do I feel safe on campus? Being on campus makes me feel nervous because not everyone is doing what they are suppose to do. I went to the Student Union and people were not social distancing.  I was thankful when I was in an office, that only allowed, one person in at at time, told a woman to leave because I was being helped. The woman said she had a quick question. The lady behind the counter didn't care and told her to get out. Some professors are following all rules, no handouts, not touching anything, and keeping their distance. Not all of them are. There are still professors on campus who are handing paper quizzes and paper instructions. The ones who don't make me nervous, so for those I have opted to move to remote learning. How is remote learning going? Last week, everything went smoothl...

Being organized isn't working for me...

 Being organized isn't working for me when it comes to this blog. I think it would be easier to follow if I did one weekly review, but honestly with my schedule right now it's not happen, so I am going to back to hodge podge of thoughts, till I find a better way. I took a scenic drive last weekend. Check out the beautify below..