
Showing posts from October, 2020

Drugs are not a victimless crime

Update on crazy HOA and Juvi

 Okay, I know I said no more updates on the crazy HOA or Juvi, but I have to update this. Hopefully, you understand in a few moments. So, Juvi ,his brother, and friends ran a drug ring out of my old neighborhood. Am I sure? Yes, drug busts followed by arrests, so it is not just me calling them drug dealers with no proof. One of the HOA board members kept accusing me of being a drug dealer. I heard from a former neighbor this week that the drug dealing continues. I hope the Rabbid Witch (HOA board member) now knows I am not the drug dealer. Juvi is due back in court in November. I don't know what the charges are. I could call the court and find out, but I don't care.  His court date was supposed to be last week, but had to be moved because his girlfriend had a baby. Yep, he is a father now. This baby was born into a drug family. I don't know if the woman did drugs while she was pregnant. I suspect she did because I doubt a non druggie woman would hang out with drug dealers....

Saddest Date Em or Dump EM Ever

click here to listen to 10.13.2020  
 This is our future.... click here

I want to bang my head on the wall!!!

  I love it when someone asks me how to do something. I tell them. They either didn't like my answer or didn't believe me, so they went and asked someone else. They got the same answer. Now they are praising the second person. (Now, I want to bang my head on the wall.)


Last weekend, I took this shot from at a local animal rescue. I am glad I had opportunity to check it out.  They were taking Convid-19 was serious.  Here are some of the requirements to enter: 1) Wash hands before entering 2) Must wear a mask 3) Must stay 6 feet part from others 4) If you wanted to purchase some items from the market, you had ask an employee.  5) If you forgot something in your car, and went back after it, you had to wash your hands before re entering.


 Have you ever looked at the comments on Glassdoor? Don't know what Glassdoor is, it is place where people can post comments about employers. I wonder if those in the organization post comments to boost their review scores. Why? Well, when I see a comment like this, it makes me question who posts comments. A comment read that my former employer is supportive of its employees. My employer was not supportive. I received disciplinary action for seeking medical attention, during working hours. During my hospital stay, I was required to call in each day, by a specific time or I would be terminated. On top of all this, I never once received a call, warm wishes for a speedy recovery, or flowers. This place was far from being supportive. 

The term B**ch

 Have I been called a bi***, yep! Have I ever called anyone a b**ch, yep. Do I regret it? MMmm... yes and no.  What is the meaning of the word? a informal + often offensive  :  a malicious, spiteful, or overbearing woman Here is the link to where I copied it from.... As offensive as this word it, sometimes it is fitting.  

Thoughts on Trump and Covid

Trump was irresponsible and contracted Convid.  He didn't wear a mask, he didn't encourage others to do so, and he held large political events. Therefore, I am not surprised that many others have contracted the virus.  I hope Trump will change his tune and encourage others to take it seriously.