Update on crazy HOA and Juvi

 Okay, I know I said no more updates on the crazy HOA or Juvi, but I have to update this. Hopefully, you understand in a few moments.

So, Juvi ,his brother, and friends ran a drug ring out of my old neighborhood. Am I sure? Yes, drug busts followed by arrests, so it is not just me calling them drug dealers with no proof.

One of the HOA board members kept accusing me of being a drug dealer. I heard from a former neighbor this week that the drug dealing continues. I hope the Rabbid Witch (HOA board member) now knows I am not the drug dealer.

Juvi is due back in court in November. I don't know what the charges are. I could call the court and find out, but I don't care.  His court date was supposed to be last week, but had to be moved because his girlfriend had a baby. Yep, he is a father now. This baby was born into a drug family. I don't know if the woman did drugs while she was pregnant. I suspect she did because I doubt a non druggie woman would hang out with drug dealers.  I hope if the child is neglected or harmed in any way that someone turns them in. I cannot because I am no longer there, so I have no clue what is going on. 


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