Animal Control pays me a visit
I have had two dogs in my life and this was the first time that I was paid a visit from Animal Control because of a noise complaint.
Here is what happened:
I was finishing up eating my lunch and the doorbell rang. I didn't get up because I was expecting a package from FedEx and I thought that it was FedEx.
After I finished eating my lunch, putting the dishes in the dishwasher, and wipe off the counter, I decided that I would retrieve my package. I looked out the glass window near the front door and saw an officer. Stunned, I opened the door and asked, "Is there something I can help you with?" He began to inform me that there had been two noise complaints because my dog was barking excessively. I was shocked. My dog is almost 12 years old and not once has anyone complained about her barking.
The conversation continued to include that I had broken the law by not licensing her. I quickly was able to put that nonsense to rest. I showed him the paperwork and her license and he quickly acknowledged he was wrong.
I have absolutely no clue of the time of day that the dog is barking and is disruptive because no one told me. I wish whoever had an issue would have come and spoken to me because it is a better feeling than having the police at your door.
I learned that the person who complained about my dog had reported the previous tenants as well.
This may also explain why the next door neighbor apologized for the noise his kids made while playing outside. I was super confused when this happened because I didn't understand why he would think I care. I don't care if kids are playing outside and laughing.
I am not sure who reported me, but I think it was the lady next door. She doesn't have a dog or kids.
What am I doing now to deal with the situation?
The dog is never outside unattended. If she starts barking, which is rare, she has to come back inside. Yesterday, she barked once outside around 9:30 p.m. It was the last time she was outside for the day.
I have noticed that the dog across the street barks a lot and howls a lot during the day, so I do wonder if my dog is being blamed for the dog across the street.
I guess time will tell, if this situation blows over.
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