
Showing posts from March, 2021

The Megan and Harry interview

 I am still processing this. First thoughts... shocked about the racism they experienced disgusted sad angry hatred All of my feelings right now are not positive about this situation. Well, I guess I am thrilled they are having a little girl and I am optimistic that they will get their happily ever after. 

Gossip or maybe just me rambling you decide

 Yep, sometimes I post gossip. If you don't like it, you may move on. Now that I have posted my warning. Here we go. No it is not long. Remember the woman who I have talked about the daughter-in-law of a former politician, who is a total mess? mmm... this lady really needs a nickname. Let's call her LiarPants because she has lied since we were kids. She lied about everything. For example, she told me once that her and her crush weren't going to prom because his dad said he was forbidden from attending dances. It was a lie and we all knew it. He was on the football team and had a girlfriend who was fit. LiarPants weighed close to 300 lbs so we knew he wasn't interested in her. Even though she tried to convince everyone that they were a couple.  Okay I know making fun of people with weight issues is wrong, but this was a long time ago. We were kids. LiarPants got a new car, well new to her, when everyone starts losing their jobs. I think mother-in-love helped her. She cal...

Interesting things learned this week

 My dog eats beets. She begged, so we gave her a few and she gobbled them down.  Someone said that I am shy. Me? That is a new one. I am usually known for speaking my mind. I must have had an off day. I was also called so young. Someone thought because I have been advocate for ageism, that I had to be in my 70's. Nope not even close.  It was pretty funny. Well, I guess when you  have only read what I post or heard me speak, I guess that happens. 

Ageism and other thoughts on exclusion

 I have found myself as an advocate for ageism.  Not a role I planned to take on, but I am finding sharing my story has been healing for me.  This week I participated in an exercise where each person shared what it felt like to be excluded. It didn't have to be due to ageism, it could be anything. A woman shared with me she is being excluded from her cohort. She never revealed why, so I am left to wonder why on my own. It doesn't matter why she was excluded and it exposed me to that other cohorts are having issues as well. I distance myself from my cohort because they are a group of immature twenty year old's, who have called me old. Anyone who calls me old, doesn't deserve to be welcomed into my world. :) They are just childish. I have observed them trying to make others feel uncomfortable such as loudly talking about which professor thinks they are fabulous. It makes me feel like I am in junior high. I don't have time for that nonsense. 

Sorry it has been so long for an update

 Gosh, it has been quite a while since I posted anything Things are good here just super busy. Well, let's get started lots to cover. Weather I wore my heavy winter coat once. It has been so wonderful only to need a heavy sweater most days, this winter. The calendar doesn't say Spring, but mother nature sure thinks it Spring. I am really enjoying all of sunshine. Former employer Sometimes this crap still pops up for me. I don't communicate with a lot of folks that are there, maybe 10 or so, but sometimes I get hurtful messages that management still speaks poorly of me. It hurts. I could lie and say no it would never bother me, but it does hurt. People who acted liked they cared about me while I was there only did to gain information about me and then gossip. I think the one that hurts the most is the one supervisor who I had who I went out of my way for lot so of time. Well, I guess he is such a phony. All I can do is move forward, learn from it and never treat anyone like ...