Sorry it has been so long for an update

 Gosh, it has been quite a while since I posted anything Things are good here just super busy. Well, let's get started lots to cover.


I wore my heavy winter coat once. It has been so wonderful only to need a heavy sweater most days, this winter. The calendar doesn't say Spring, but mother nature sure thinks it Spring. I am really enjoying all of sunshine.

Former employer

Sometimes this crap still pops up for me. I don't communicate with a lot of folks that are there, maybe 10 or so, but sometimes I get hurtful messages that management still speaks poorly of me. It hurts. I could lie and say no it would never bother me, but it does hurt. People who acted liked they cared about me while I was there only did to gain information about me and then gossip. I think the one that hurts the most is the one supervisor who I had who I went out of my way for lot so of time. Well, I guess he is such a phony. All I can do is move forward, learn from it and never treat anyone like I was treated.

If I had any advice for the my last supervisor, it would take to too long to type out. If I thought it would do any good I would ask her a few questions.

1) Why did you hate me so much?

2) Why did you think I was such an idiot?

3) Why did you turn your head each time an immigrant or a child of an immigrant or a member of the LGBTQ community broke a rule and promote them? 

4) I would really like to know why it was okay with you for an child of an immigrant to say to me, "It's not my fault your white?" 

4) Why did you tell people I wasn't acceptable to be promoted? I found out right before I left that when the Helpdesk was formed someone suggested me and she said I wasn't smart enough to handle the job. Now let's remember I have a BA and MA. I earned a 4.0 for MA, so my intelligence should have not been an issue. 

5) Why did you punish me for going to the doctor and being in the hospital? Doesn't this seem wrong to you?

Mmm.. let's move on to something that I know some of my readers  enjoy reading former HOA and Juvi

HOA update....... 

Rabbid lady quit the board.  

Lady handling the money got into an argument with the person learning to be her back up and quit.

I have been told that drug dealing is still a major problem. After complaining about the drug ring, one woman was harassed by the board for saying there is an active drug ring, so she put her house on the market. She had a buyer, but the buyer backed out at the last minute. No clue what happened.

I think since I have left seven homes have changed owners. That is a lot in a short amount of time.

I know of two more homes going on the market soon  One is because of the drugs. The other one is simply due to relocation.


He went to court in January, got sentenced to jail time, but I cannot find he ever actually reported to serve. My guess is that he got time served.  


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