Update on HOA nonsense
I know a few of my readers love to hear about the neighbor drama. I don't live there any more, so what I share is based on what I am told.
A woman took over where I left off with being an advocate against the HOA.
The drug problems still exist. I really doubt anything will ever be done with it.
About a year ago, a woman went to the board and complained about the drug activity. She demanded to know what was going to be done to stop the drug ring. I was told she was criticized for complaining and forced to move out. Her home was sold in January of 2021.
The drug ring owns 3 homes, they sold 1 home to their friend. Is it fair to call them druggies? Well, I have police reports to prove they were either arrested for possession of drugs or drugs were found in the homes they own.
Juvi is now a father. For those that don't recall, police were first called to his home in 2015 for the smell of marijuana I was out of town. I know who called because the neighbor who did told me. So back to him being a father, his son was born in October of 2020. Him and the mother are not married and live together. I don't know how he is as a father. I have uncovered that he is still committing crimes because he got off house arrest a short time ago.
Juvi's brother who has served time for drugs and was a subject of a drug bust while I live there, has not changed his ways. He is now placing dog poop near a woman's door because she is calling the police on him for his drug use. He said he will stop putting dog poop by her door when she stops calling the cops.
A woman who lives next door to the woman who is getting dog poop placed by her door, has listed her home for sale. I don't know if she did it because of the dog poop or not.
Mommy Dearest still lives in the neighborhood and is not well liked. I have uncovered a police report showing drugs were found in her home.
Scientist man. Remember this clown. Well, calling him a clown is better than what I could call him. Anyway, he purchased one of the homes owned by Juvi's brother. So now the 24 year old only owns one home instead of two. Why did it change owners? I don't have a clue.
Remember the woman who cost me thousands because she didn't take care of her property and the HOA wouldn't make her. She is friends with Juvi and his family. I didn't discover it until after I moved. She has also been posting on social media about the designer bags, jewelry, and other material items she has purchased. Yep, she had no money to pay her HOA dues, she was 2 years past due, or pay for the damage she caused me, but she has money for unnecessary items.
Rabbid woman sold her home. She moved out because an advocate was suing the board for some of their dealings. The advocate won. Now here is the suspicious part, she returns every day to help in the office. My gut tells me that she is still trying to cover up something.
Office manager walked out and quit after someone was learning her job to be a backup. What upset her so much? She was asked about charges on the company VISA and didn't want to explain them. Now the office manager is suing the woman who asked her about it for harassment.
So it seems the drama continues. Glad I am not there. One thing I don't understand is why the police don't shut this drug ring down for once and for all.
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