Crazy neighbors or HOA drama?


Another question I have received asks if I have any stories about the crazy HOA or crazy neighbors.

Here is what I know about my previous HOA. They are still fighting. A fight broke out at the annual board meeting a couple of months ago and the police had to be called to break it up. 

Remember the neighbor who would not respect my boundary of social distancing during covid? Well, she did get covid and was very sick, but did not require hospitalization. Even after this experience she continued to make fun of those who took the pandemic seriously.

I do currently reside in a neighborhood with an HOA and neighbors that are close by, but I don’t have any outrageous stories to share. Sorry! No drama here, it is peaceful.  

My neighbors are friendly. One is a retired police officer, so she keeps an eye on our street. She jokes she doesn’t miss much on her corner. The one next door neighbor travels a lot, she is retired, and I rarely see her. For the past several weeks she has been visiting her daughter in Mississippi. The next-door neighbor on the other side, is very nice. There is a family of three, two dogs and a cat.  Their dogs never bark. I need a dog like that.  Sometimes the family shares their goodies with us. They brought over some birthday cake to share, and it was fabulous.  The people across the street are nice, sometimes I chat with them.

 The last time I recall a HOA issue was when the next-door neighbor parked his truck a little way over on the yard near their driveway. He did this so his wife could get her car out of the garage without him having to move. I recall when I saw this happen, I wondered how long that would be allowed to go on. According to him, the HOA complained. I think it was more of a safety issue than the fact that he parked in the yard because he parked closer to the fire hydrant. So, the truck’s tires were only a couple of steps away from the yellow fire hydrant. Yes, the fire hydrants are yellow here, which is super weird.


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