Week Ending 8/4/2023
I got behind in updating this blog again, but at least this time it didn't take months for me get back to it.
In the last couple of weeks, I have some adventures.
The biggest news is that I adopted a dog. Her name is Maxie. You will be able to read more about her here The Adventures of Maxie the Dog. I am still working to get that one up and running. So, please be patient with me.
I am still working on the same project. I am transcribing things, and it is a tedious process. Oh, my employer forgot to pay me. How does that happen? I still not sure what happened, but I did finally get paid.
Mom won the drawing at Trader Joe's for bring in a reusable bag. She doesn't always bring one. One time she placed the bag by her feet so she wouldn't forget it. We arrived in the store, and I asked her where the bag was. She had kicked it out of her way when she got out of the car. Whoops!
I did receive my check from the drycleaners for my lost comforter. I have not repalced it yet because I am waiting until next month when housewares go on sale. Plus, it way too hot to use a comforter in this heat.
I have submitted some letters to the editor for publishing, but I have not heard back. It's nothing to serious. I am just calling out the lenient laws on suspended drivers. It might not seem like that big of deal, but once you get injured by one, it will be to you.
I have stopped working on changing condo laws in NE. I was working to make HOA boards be held accountable for damage that they cause and change how they are being ran. I became involved after meeting some folks. I did testify at a meeting and met with some legislators. I turned everything over to a woman before I moved. I answered a few questions after I moved. During a phone conversation with her, she asked me my opinion about a man. I was honest and told her was not trustworthy because the man is involved with Juvi and his drug ring. She thought I was being mean and hasn't talked to me since.
There is not a whole lot going on here. Whole Foods put up a new sign near their entry way. Only service animals are allowed. It seems they are enforcing it. Also added to the sign is that you are encouraged to bring your reusable bag in, but it is not okay to put your items in while you shop.
Someone asked me if Costco has cracked down on people sharing their membership cards here. I do not know because I don't engage in this practice.
I took a spin class at the campus gym and met some new folks. So, it has been fun to expand my network.
I am working to cut back on some of my volunteering as we gear up for fall semester.
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