Exit Interview

Today, I received a link to fill out an exit interview.  I did it and I didn't hold anything back. Why?  What do I have to lose at this point? What are they going to do mark me as not rehireable?  If they do, that is fine, I don't think I will need to go back there and work again because I am moving on. Generally, one should be concerned about whether or not you burn a bridge with an employer because people talk.  This employer has so many connections to our private sector, it wouldn't be the best decision, if I was staying in the area. 

I was fair about how I answered the questions. If I felt the mean ex-boss did something good, I marked it as such. If I felt she was a total dumbass, I marked it that way too. I also provided detailed examples such as she made me feel like she hate me when she would say, "You are the worst person on my team."

Do I think there is any hope for her? Yes, I think if she would go through management training, she might be salvageable.  

I sincerely hope that someone will use my feedback to correct the management problems because people don't leave bad employers , people leave bad bosses. 


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