How am I dealing with Covid for the week ending 08.14.2020?

This has been another week of social distancing and mask wearing.

This week I ordered some masks to wear at school. I have to wear them the entire time I am on the campus.  So, I order some that have adjustable ear loops. The fabric is super soft.

They were out of the plain colored ones, so I went with these.  click here

Adventure inside of Costco was scary...

Costco checks people at the doors, make sure they have their cards and are wearing masks, but once you are inside anything goes. Costco doesn't have arrows about which direction you can shop, so people are coming at you from every direction.  Not everyone was wearing their mask properly. Some people had it below their nose. I saw one man remove his mask to chat on the phone, which disgusted me.  I didn't say anything to anyone, instead I tried to do my best at keeping my six feet distance.

I like Costco's prices, so more than likely I will return to the store, but I think for this next order I will be having it delivered, so I don't stress out.

I am keeping a log of what places I go into..

I am a paper person. I have a paper planner that I always use, so I have added a section for places that I go into. If I get this virus, I want to be able to know where I got it.

The places I went into this week were the following:

Kinkos - Necessary I had to print something because the end user wouldn't accept an electronic copy.

Walgreens.... I tried to do this over the phone, but they said I had to come in. It was related to a prescription.


Dog Groomer

Hobby Lobby--- Definitely an essential stop because I need a frame for a flamingo picture. A little backstory on this picture, my former professor took it on a trip in South Africa. The picture means the world to me. 

Will I be giving up inside isolation soon?

I am in a hot zone for the virus, so I have to follow the rules and be safe. I would love to go out and have some fun, but it's not safe. 

Returning to the classroom will give me a little more structure and put in contact with some more folks. 


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