
Showing posts from July, 2021

Post that pokes fun at Covid

 The following post is making its rounds. I not a fan of this one because it is poking fun at Covid.

Friend or No Friend, Unreasonable Request, and Discrimination

I have not spoken to a person in over a year. The person now says we can be friends. Huh?  Were we ever friends? I do not think so. A friend is someone who cares about you, asks you to do things and carves out time to spend with you. So, what prompted this nonsense? This person and I used to work at the same place. This is the place that required me to call in each day when I was in the hospital and out due to having emergency surgery. It was an unreasonable request. I did not flat out refuse when I was asked to do it. I did ask to have this requirement waived because I had spoken with others who said they were not required to do so.  My request was denied. Anyway, this person had emergency surgery. I was told by a couple of other folks who we used to work with. One person even suggested that this person was treated better than I was.   I reached out to this person, sorry they were in the hospital and asked if they were treated like I was required to call in each day ...

Mask or No Mask

As the number of cases go up, many states are recommending that we mask up again. Should people who are vaccinated be required to wear a mask? Yes, because you cannot tell by looking at someone if they are or are not vaccinated.   I want this virus to end for good. I want to be able to live a normal life without worrying if I will get Covid and die. I am vaccinated, but the vaccine does not work 100%. I have read about breakthrough cases where people have been vaccinated, got the virus, and died.  I am still doing what I can to stay safe. I still order my groceries online when I can. It does not always work because sometimes they do not have an item in stock, and I have to go inside a place. Also, Trader Joe's does not offer curbside pickup, so I have zero choice.  I have not stopped wearing a mask entirely.  I have not been wearing a mask inside if there were many people. For example, I was in a library and the only one in a section, so I removed my mask.  I ha...

The Movie Titled Date Night

 Recently, I watched the movie Date Night. It is a little older. It is from 2010, but that doesn't mean it isn't any good. Click here to read the plot summary  Date Night (2010) - Plot Summary - IMDb It was funny, but that was expected, since Tina Fey was in it. Overall it was pretty good. I am still pretty confused on when the good cops placed the wire on Phil. 

Nail trouble

 I stubbed my toe. I don't think the woman who keeps my nails looking good will like this.  

Sweetest Card Ever


Get a Free Meal

 I will not be paid anything for posting this, but I thought I would share in case it could benefit anyone. I got a free breakfast meal by signing up for the bear club at Black Bear Diner. I got a free breakfast of two eggs, bacon, and French toast. I had to pay for my drink. It was super yummy. Click here to join: Black Bear Diner eClub and Passport Program

Check out the Grammer

 This was written by an Accounting Manager. Before you tell me I am being too hard on this person because it is was a one time error, please understand this is just one example.

Teaching Children About CRT and Gender Identity

There has been a lot discussion about whether or not children should be taught CRT and about gender identity.   I think both are important topics that children should learn about, but they to be done when it is age appropriate. Recently, I learned about a five-year-old being taught that being white is a bad thing. A school taught white children, that they are guilty of things that have happened in the past because of their skin color. This type of teaching is irresponsible.  A school in Ralston NE, choose to add the book, "Something Happened in Our Town", to their  curriculum without letting parents know.  Below is an overview of the book: (The overview came from  Something Happened in Our Town: A Child's Story About Racial Injustice ( Emma and Josh heard that something happened in their town. A Black man was shot by the police. "Why did the police shoot that man?" "Can police go to jail?" Something Happened in Our Town  follows two famili...

Issues in Nebraska Schools

Sharing this for information purposes. I have copied this post from a friend of mine. FOR FAMILIES OR FRIENDS OF KIDS IN NEBRASKA PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS There's A LOT of proposals going around this year for our kids that aren't getting much attention or information out. In case you haven't heard of any of this, I wanted to get a quick post out with items that you may want to go learn about. NEBRASKA HEALTH EDUCATION STANDARDS Proposals including CSE (comprehensive sex education) and CRT (critical race theory). These proposals have had a couple of meetings on drafts but is still in the works. PROPOSED BILL LB281 LB281 require child sex abuse prevention programs for all staff and students. This is on hold as they are waiting to see how how the CSE proposals go first. RULE 10 AND RULE 14 Both of these currently set the standards for a school to be accredited. SBOE had been meeting since late last year to see if these should be taken out. These rules protect schools from ma...

Thoughts on the Death Penalty

 I have never been 100% in favor of the death penalty or against it, I have always beleive that it depends on the crime. I still feel that way when it comes to Bailey Boswell.   If you are not familiar with her story, please find it here.  Death hearing begins for Nebraska woman convicted of murder ( This week Boswell faced three judges who will decide if she gets the death penalty.   One of the arguments against the death penalty focused on her five year old daughter. Her daughter was a year old when she was arrested. According to 1011 Now, here is a quote from Boswell, " For my daughter’s sake, please don’t take my life,” she said. I do not like how she is now so concerned for her daughter. Where was her concern when she was taking another human's life. She says she was a battered woman. Research has shown that trauma may lead to criminal activity, including homicide.  If she had killed her abuser, then I would not be in favor of t...