As the number of cases go up, many states are recommending that we mask up again. Should people who are vaccinated be required to wear a mask? Yes, because you cannot tell by looking at someone if they are or are not vaccinated. I want this virus to end for good. I want to be able to live a normal life without worrying if I will get Covid and die. I am vaccinated, but the vaccine does not work 100%. I have read about breakthrough cases where people have been vaccinated, got the virus, and died. I am still doing what I can to stay safe. I still order my groceries online when I can. It does not always work because sometimes they do not have an item in stock, and I have to go inside a place. Also, Trader Joe's does not offer curbside pickup, so I have zero choice. I have not stopped wearing a mask entirely. I have not been wearing a mask inside if there were many people. For example, I was in a library and the only one in a section, so I removed my mask. I ha...