
Showing posts from August, 2020

Weekly Review for 8.22.2020

Thoughts on Current Events: I watched a little bit of the democratic convention.  I was able to catch the piece on John McGain and a little bit of Obama's speech.   Am I planning to vote in November? I haven't made a decision because I am not happy with either choice. Here is the cartoon that I saw that was funny: I was reading the news from home and saw this article.  A man is suing the governor and other government officials for requiring health mandates. This shows anyone can sue anyone and some people are are clueless about Covid-19. Click here to read the article Adventures for the week.. This week has been wild.  One appointment after another and things didn't always go as planned, but I survived.  On Monday, I meet with the insurance agent to switch my auto insurance.  I went to the office near my home, but it turned out that my appointment was at another location.  I made my way to the correct place, but I was 20 minutes late.   ...

Update on this blog

This blog has become a hodgepodge of thoughts. I want to get my blog back to be more focused and going in the right direction, so i will be making a few changes.  1 ) I am done posting about the crazy HOA and Juvi. I know that for some of you that is the only reason you have turned in for the past five years.  ( Can't find five years worth of stuff that is because it was in another format.)  Why stop?  I no longer have first hand knowledge and I don't want to be spreading gossip. 2)  I am going back to doing a weekly review. I used to do this once a week. It was easier for me to just do one update for the week. Usually, it would be posed on Saturday and Sunday.  I am returning to this because I need to get myself on a schedule. I have to be more organized!                This weekly review will be about adventures, thoughts anything not included in money saving tips about Convid-19. 3)  I will post a separate pos...

How am I dealing with Covid for the week ending 08.14.2020?

This has been another week of social distancing and mask wearing. This week I ordered some masks to wear at school. I have to wear them the entire time I am on the campus.  So, I order some that have adjustable ear loops. The fabric is super soft. They were out of the plain colored ones, so I went with these.   click here Adventure inside of Costco was scary... Costco checks people at the doors, make sure they have their cards and are wearing masks, but once you are inside anything goes. Costco doesn't have arrows about which direction you can shop, so people are coming at you from every direction.  Not everyone was wearing their mask properly. Some people had it below their nose. I saw one man remove his mask to chat on the phone, which disgusted me.  I didn't say anything to anyone, instead I tried to do my best at keeping my six feet distance. I like Costco's prices, so more than likely I will return to the store, but I think for this next order I will be having i...

Money saving tips for week ending 8.14.2020

One thing to keep in mind, one place is not less expensive on all items. I once had a friend share with me that they buy all of their cleaning supplies at the Dollar Store. I checked it out, but I found that the name brand products were more per ounce than Walmart. I also learned that by purchasing off brands, I was using more than I was with the name brand, which equaled more money spent. Costco does have some items cheaper than Amazon, but be careful because not all are cheaper.  For example  Mr. Clean Magic Erasers are around $10 for a package of 11 at Costco, but you can purchase 9 of them on Amazon for $6.97.  Another thing to be aware of with Costco, you can have your orders delivered to your, but the items cost more. For example, Neutrogena Body Wash is around $16 in the store and $19 if delivered to your door. I am not saying never have things delivered.  I am working on an order for delivery because I only need a couple of items and don't want to go into Cos...

Weekly Review for 8.14.2020

The news this week revolved around football and more football with a little bit of Ben Madsen thrown in. Football ended on a note of no football for BIG10 for the Fall.  What I have learned has surprised me, local high school is being allowed to play, but the college cannot. The college has more moolah than local level to do testing and put safety precautions in place.  My thoughts on playing football at any level: Football is a nonessential activity. It is up to each individual player and their parents to make that decision. If a school decides to move forward with the schedule and the player chooses not to play, he shouldn't lose his scholarship.  If you want to gather with 90,000 other fans and not social distance and not wear a mask, then that is your choice.  I don't want you to come near me if you live recklessly.  I will continue to protect myself by limiting my contact with people and wearing a mask. For those of you unfamiliar with the Ben Madsen saga. ...
It is pretty sad that someone has nothing better to do than to send vile e-mails to another for the sole purpose of hurting their feelings. Last night, my inbox was filled with vile e-mails.  The e-mails came from a member of my former HOA board.  Months ago I had reported some violation of the bylaws.  I never received a response, moved, and forgot about them until I received the responses last night. My feelings were not hurt, instead I feel sad for a person who had nothing better to do that to try to cause me pain. I have reported her actions to a current board member and blocked her. I hope she finds her happy place, so she doesn't feel the need to hurt another person.
I became aware of this story and it breaks my heart.  I don't understand why a person would scam someone who wants to adopt.
Confusing protest A drove past a protest where people were upset about the lack of PPE.  T he protestors weren't wearing masks or social distancing.  Do these people think they won't get the virus because they were protesting?
Gossip from home that turns out to be factual I was told that Juvi's motorcycle was stolen. I believed it after I found the police report. I don't feel sorry for him. I know that is not nice, but this young man is a habitual criminal. He has caused so many issues for my former neighborhood. For the following reasons, I don't believe the theft was random: 1) He still has the keys.  No way to start it. I believe the culprit didn't drive it away. The person possibly used a trailer to haul it. 2) He left parked it outside of the garage because the garage was being worked on. I don't think it was a coincidence that the first night, he left it out, it got stolen. I don't have any information on who took it or why.  My best guess is he is upset someone.

Dumbest man ever

 Today's episode proves sometimes people are clueless.
Meeting today was filled with good necessary information, but I was also a little distracted. I wanted to reach through my computer screen and adjust the woman's glasses. They were so crooked.  Towards the ending of my meeting, while a man was speaking the lyrics for, "I Hit First" kept playing in my head. Why? No clue. ( I think being inside is making me loose my mind.)
Here is the timeline on the saga with the cabinet ordered from Kohl's on 7.17.2020.  7.17.2020  Ordered placed with Kohl's 7.18.2020   Received notice from Kohl's they were sending it to an incorrect address.  Called Kohl's  and was told that the address couldn't be changed. 7.21.2020  Order shipped from Kohl's to a city and state that I don't live in. Contacted Kohl's again and they refused to correct the address. 7.25,2020 Received notice from FedEx that it will be delivered to the wrong address. Contacted FedEx and Kohl's again and requested that it be sent to the right address. Kohl's refused to do anything and stated to work it out with FedEx. 7.27.2020  FedEx called and inquired about the correct address because the package was going to our new address with a zip code in a different state. FedEx employee told me it would be placed on a ground truck that night. 7.31.2020  The Kohl's order...
In the past 30 days, I have become my own handyman and tech person. I have hung up pictures and shelves, put together cabinets, and changed an air filter. This is the first time I have ever seen an air filter in the ceiling and the unit itself.   I became my own tech person when my laptop died. Yep, it crashed.  Finally, I gave up and purchased a new one.  Yeah, that wasn't cheap.  I spent a total of about five hours on the phone with Cox and three techs to get the TV box to work. The problem Cox rep didn't hit an activation button. I was super annoyed, but glad it finally worked. I am still unpacking boxes and there are a lot of boxes. It is so different to close from a ranch to a multilevel home.  I get tired of climbing fourteen stairs to just go get something.  Another difference is going from a closed layout to an open layout, limits the number of walls, you have to hang stuff on, but on the plus side there is more natural light, which I love. ...
USPS saga I have had difficulties getting my mail forwarded. I filled out a change of address form online. I received a letter in the mail that I needed to redo it because there was a problem. I logged in and I wasn't able to do it online, so I contacted USPS.  What I was told floored me. I was told I couldn't do it online because I closed my PO Box on 6.29.2020.  Why did this surprise me?  Well, on 6.29.2020 I went to my local USPS to close the PO Box. A black man took my info and key.  He seemed annoyed that I was turning the key in and told me that he didn't need the key and the box was closed. He didn't give me a receipt. I didn't find out until the 7th of July that the box wasn't closed. I closed it online and contacted USPS.  I have been refused a refund that I paid for the box because it wasn't closed until the 7th of July. Now I was told by USPS that I closed it on June 29th. So which is it I closed it on June 29th or July 7th? I think USP...
I know many of you would like an update on the HOA drama. Yesterday, a former neighbor called, so I am able to fulfill your drama requests. :) Annual board meeting took place about four weeks ago.  Obviously, I wasn't there, so what I am relaying is what has been told to me by another person. There is a new president of the board. Thank goodness. Maybe the neighborhood will be saved.  It was so sad because my property sat between $500,000 houses. I hate to see these people's house values going downhill because our neighborhood is falling apart. BTW my property wasn't worth $500,000. At the annual meeting, a new homeowner complained about the drug activity.  My understanding is that she stood up and told the board to do something about it. I wish her the best of the luck because after I said something about the drug activity the board turned on me.  I was called a drug dealer, liar, and many other names. Oh I almost forgot to share, the day I was moving o...